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                                                                              credit: voices of youth


Mental health is still one of the biggest taboo especially in India. Talking about mental health is still considered as a non auspicious doing among people. The people who talk about it or goes to the doctor for therapy sessions are straight forward considered as mentally retarded, even if it is not the whole matter. The cases of weak mental health are raising day by day in our country and hence, it is highly preferred to talk about it in open.
The extreme burden of mental health issues on people leads to improper functioning of life and body, and important economic and social consequences. Various social and cultural factors such as discrimination, poverty, cultural beliefs etc. sharp the challenges of addressing mental health problems.

Factors Affecting Mental Health

There are many factors that affect mental health of a person which includes, biological factors(physical factors, genetic reasons, age, food etc.), psychological factors (certain beliefs, perception addictions etc.), social factors (relationship, family, cultural reasons, load of work, money etc.). Other factors such as drug addiction, alcohol consumption, menopause, smoking, body image, discrimination, trauma, friendship, loneliness, nature, etc. also affects mental health in different ways. 


Well there are many reasons and explanations of mental health being a taboo. Starting with cultural aspects many of the people in our country think of mental health being a fashion glamorous problem which affects rich people or modern to be more precise. Many think it's a foreign issue that never occurred here. Mental health is still a taboo and will remain a taboo for many orthodox and conservative thinking. But actually the truth explains the description of mental health in ancient Indian historical texts or shastra as well. Maharishi Patanjali has described certain Chitta vikshepas or antaryas which are considered as obstacles in mental life. To calm the mind Maharishi has described certain chittaprasadanam techniques as well. The description of mental health is also found in Atharva Veda due to certain reasons.



Always keep your mental health in check because half of the credit of quality of life depends upon our mind. More calm our mind become more efficient and fantabulous the outcome comes. Even if you feel degraded in the society by the people surrounding you, remember it's you who is going to live you life and not them. Listen to your heart, take therapies if you need, consult a doctor and never ever feel bad about it. To have a good mental health keep yourself away from those who hinder your mind even if it is some one from your relation as well, because your mental health is the more prioritize thing. We study hard, we learn, we work, earn money just to be happy. ''Happiness is the key to success'', and ''A calm mind is the key to happiness''. All the queries, questions end with a peaceful mind. It is you who is going to face the upcoming challenges, if you are hurt your loved ones will cry, but it's you who will suffer, it's you who will face the difficulties, it will always be you. So listen to your heart, your soul and keep your mind calm. Make happiness your first priority and have confidence.

                                                                           - Written by
                                                                             Vasundhara Ashwini Kothari




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